Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Starting over: Finding my way

I'm starting over.

Written: 2016-06-28 12:31:53


I have decided to start over with several facets in my life. Between my journaling, writing, and life of faith, I have decided to hit the reset button and reboot those three facets. The old way worked for a while, but it is time to try again. 

The truth is, the old way might work for a day or two, or even a week or two, and if I was lucky, a month or two. But, it did not work beyond that for whatever reason.

I have tried to find my way with my writing for over seven years now and I keep crashing and burning. It seems my journaling, writing, and life of faith each have multiple lives, much like a cat. This has been a great benefit to me, but maybe it is time to pull on my big girl pants and write what I am meant to write.

I was created to be a journal keeper. I have no doubt about that. Journaling is far more than a hobby to me. It is a way of life. It's also more than that. It is who I am. After all, I have been a journal keeper since I was 8 years old. Hence, let me do the math, I have been journaling for over thirty-three years now. 

I have journaled every day since 2001 and have journaled at least five pages a day since 2009. 

So, you see, journaling is written into the code of my DNA at this point. It is written on the tablet of my mind and heart as well. Needless to say, I said it a moment ago and I will say it again. I AM a journal keeper. It is what defines me. It gives my life meaning and is I think why I live. (Of course, I'm saying all of this apart from my life of faith. I am talking life as a whole. My worldly life.) 

Now, with taking my life of faith into account, I must say that I have no doubt whatsoever that the Creator made me to be a journal keeper. Nothing brings me more pleasure, more joy, more peace, more serenity, more rest, more contentment, more purpose than a life of journaling. The Lord made me a journal keeper pure and simple. 

If there was one activity I HAD to do each day, apart from the normal life functions (eating, sleeping, breathing, etc.), journaling is it. If I do not journal in a day, or fail to journal enough, I start to feel restless inside and like something is missing, then I become stressed, then I become flat-dab cranky until I journal again. As a matter of fact, I have even felt sick because I did not journal. (Huh. That almost sounds like withdrawal symptoms.)

Is it fair to say I depend on my journaling? 

You bet it is fair to say that. It is absolutely true. 


Now, before I continue, let me share who "You" is (pardon the horrendous grammar there).

I journal to a three-part audience:

1) The one who dares read this journal (I say dare because I certainly do not want to bore you to death),

2) My Creator, and

3) My future self. 

That's who "you" is for the most part when I journal. 


I am going to try to stop fighting it and stop trying to write everything that sounds good to me. In attempting to write everything I feel passionate about, or curious about, or drawn to, I have not gotten much writing done at all. I might spend at least sixty hours a week writing for the last seven years, but I really do not have much to show for it. Notice how well you know my name, Stacy Duplease. You don't, so that proves that I may have written a lot, but it sure has not been very productive at all. 


Therefore, I am going to stop trying to fight it, and do what I was made to do. I'm going to journal about my life of faith. 

Yes. This a blog called, "My Journaling Life," after all--and that's precisely what I intend on doing. I will share the story of my life as a journal keeper and as a woman of faith. 

I will talk about my life as a journal keeper and as a woman of faith in the past, present, and future points-of-view since I have thirty-three years to draw from of my journaling life and the over four decades of my life of faith. 

I will share how I spend time with my Maker each day and share our love story. 

I will also share about life in general and might even get into a discussion about politics from time to time. 

No. This blog is not for wimps. (Wink.)

I am a Child of God, journal keeper, writer, blogger, wife, mom of two cats and two RES turtles, daughter, patriot, supporter of the U.S. military, gun supporter, Bible reading, prayer warrior, follower of the news, coffee lover, reader, walker, and whose family has been in the U.S. since 1607. Also, I can trace my family to Charlemagne, Nero, Joseph of Arimathea, and Adam. 

And, this is my journaling life. 

(Photo and Image Credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2009-2016.) 


  1. Keep on writing about being a journal keeper. Your thoughts and journaling are an inspiration to other people.

  2. Thank you. I sure hope I can inspire others--and not bore people to death.

    Have a very blessed day.
